Last night over 40 pupils attended the regional Young Voices concert in Birmingham to become part of a mass choir which entertained an audience of thousands of family and friends. While we have some tired, weary faces this morning (pupils and staff) everyone agrees it was an amazing night to be part of. Feedback form parents who were able to attend as part of the audience has been lovely to hear too - special memories made. Thank you to the team of staff who have given up their time to support the children in preparing for the event and for going along to ensure we could take such a large number, without our staff being willing to 'go the extra mile' we wouldn't be able to have such great adventures.
We have been holding pupil progress meetings across school this week. These give us an opportunity to come together as a team to discuss the progress of each pupil, and ensure we are doing all we can to meet their needs. Teachers will share this with parent and carers at the parents evenings planned for the week after next - look out for the information being sent soon.
As the weather is so unpredictable at the moment please do not forget to ensure your children come to school in appropriate clothing, in particular coats. They will also need their outdoor kits for Forest School. We do get the children out in almost all weather conditions, they are really enjoying muddy play at the moment so old clothes for forest school are a good idea. Indoor shoes/ slippers are really important too.
The Archery team came 7th out of 21 schools this week in their competition, they were really resilient in their approach to the competition and were great ambassadors for the school.
Well done to the children who are building up their dojos as a result of their reading efforts at home. Every time children read and get an adult to sign their diary to confirm they have read dojos are awarded.
Our Golden Leaf winners this week have been working really hard across the curriculum, it has been lovely to see the work they are so proud of. Kindness was another theme this week, with many of our winners showing really positive traits to their friends. Well done.
Overall School: 94.6%