What is bullying?
Bullying is where someone repeatedly does something to you that hurts you physically or verbally
People who can help
All of the adults in Short Wood will listen and sort out any problems you feel you may have.
Here are some of the people you could ask:
Mel Jones and her lunch time team
Mrs Butele and Dr Saunders are always ready to listen
Mrs Waterhouse and Mrs Kennedy are here to help
Jane is always ready to help, Gemma and Louise work with Jane too
Sue, Mel, Tegan and Assia, the office staff will help
Our experiences
I’ve been bullied, I told a teacher and they sorted it out
I’ve been a bully and I said sorry and never did it again
My friend was a bully and I persuaded them to stop
My friend has been bullied , I helped them to tell an adult and with their help in the end we made friends with the bully
How can we help the bullies
How to stop bullying
Overall School: 93.7%