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Progress and Assessment

Short Wood Primary School track the progress and attainment of pupils termly. A parent/carer meeting is held each term allowing you to discuss the progress and attainment of your pupil. A written report is sent home at the end of each academic year.


All staff monitor and review the progress of the needs of different children within class together with the SENCO on a termly basis.

  • Staff use observations, evidence in books and developmental tracking grids to monitor progress and achievement.

  • Children causing concern may be monitored more regularly and referred to relevant agencies where appropriate.

  • Class or Individual provision maps are created for children who need extra support to show targets, interventions and progress over time. These are monitored and reviewed by the class teacher and SENCo on a regular basis to ensure it is supporting the pupils effectively.

  • At the end of Nursery or the Reception class staff pass on relevant information and provision maps to the new class teacher.

    We have extremely robust SEND assessment processes at Short Wood:

  • We undertake our own assessments, in some areas, to identify specific problems and then put in place provision to ensure the children make progress.

  • We undertake our own Phonic and reading assessments and monitor progress and achievement. Provision is put in place based on the assessments to ensure children make progress.

  • We undertake initial Speech and language assessments (through and initial screening on entry to Nursery) and provision is put in place based on the assessments , if necessary we may make a referral to Speech and Language.


Overall School: 94.6%
