Relationships and Wellbeing at Short Wood
Year 5 and 6 Careers Day
On Monday 8th July, we held a Careers Day for our Year 5 and 6 children as part of our Relationship and Wellbeing curriculum.
During the morning session, children were split into small groups and interviewed volunteers in a 'speed dating' style process. They spent 5 minutes with each volunteer, asking them a wide range of questions about their roles.
We had a psychotherapist, physiotherapist, business analyst, IT project manager, aeronautical engineer, accountant, university graduate, nurse and our wonderful head teacher, Mrs Butele. Thank you to all the volunteers for making it such a successful morning.
In the afternoon, we were very lucky to be visited by the police. Children were able to spend time with a dog handler, a road traffic accident officer, an armed response unit and our local PCSOs. Thanks you to all officers for provided their time; it was a wonderful way to end the day.
Overall School: 93.7%