Promote well being / Community / Success & Ambition - ‘Aiming high, growing dreams’ Home Page

Summer 2024

Years 1 and 2.

This term we are learning all about plants ! We will be working in the polytunnel to plant seeds and observe how they grow. We will be learning all about the plants in the school gardens and also plants in Forest School. Lots of these plants are tasty so we'll be cooking over the campfire and trying out new recipes!

Years 3 and 4.

As part of our 'Thrills and Spills' topic we will all be going on a canoeing trip this term with Helen and the Arthog Team! This will give us lots of new skills and and be really thrilling, but hopefully not spilling! Then we will learn all about maps and make our own maps of our school grounds to have fun orienteering! 

Year 5.

We are really enjoying our map work! We started the year climbing the Wrekin using Ordnance Survey maps so we want to create our own maps of our Forest School area this term. We will be learning all about contour lines and scale so that our maps are accurate enough to use for some orienteering! 

Year 6.

It's all about us this term as we enter our final term as Short Woodies! We've helped clear and improve lots of our site and so we'll be thinking about the legacy we want to leave. Along the way we'll take on lots of team-building challenges that will prepare us for the next step along the way! 


Overall School: 93.7%
