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Our Behaviour Curriculum

The Short Wood Behaviour Charter





At Short Wood, the Good to be Green scheme underpins our approach to both teaching our behaviour curriculum, and to scaffolding how we support children who are making inappropriate behaviour choices. 


Every child starts each day on a positive note with a green card. If a child is behaving in a manner that is not aligned with our core Short Woody values, they first receive a stop and think card. At this point, the adult will explain the inappropriate behaviour and highlight the desired behaviour, giving the opportunity for the child to reflect on their behaviour and to make the right choices. If inappropriate behaviour continues, the child will progress to a yellow warning card, followed by up to 5 red consequence cards. Each stage will be considered as a teaching point, and the adult will help the child to understand not only why their behaviour does not reflect the Short Wood values, but also the changes that are needed.


Our approach to behaviour management is consistent right across school, from Nursery to Year 6, with due regard to the age and stage of the children. It is used in all locations around school, regardless of whether children are in the classroom, on the playground, at Forest School, or at clubs: we have consistently high expectations of behaviour, for all children, at all times.




  • If a child stays green all day, this will be celebrated at the end of the afternoon and a dojo message will be sent to parents to acknowledge the hard work of their child.
  • For consistently exemplary behaviour, children will be issued with a privilege card - this will mean that they can choose from a wide range of rewards, including spending time with Pippin, attendance at a special film afternoon, or bonus Forest School time!
  • At the beginning of each week, classes will set themselves a team challenge - this maybe something such as keeping the cloakroom area neat and orderly. The challenge will be something that all children can work towards, during the school day. Over the week, each class will earn time, up to a maximum of 15 minutes, towards their Friday Team Celebration time.
  • Each Friday, we hold our Golden Leaf assembly - this is a wonderful opportunity for all of our Short Woodies to come together, and for us to celebrate achievements both within school, and outside of school. Our Golden Leaves then choose a friend to sit with them on a special top table for Friday lunch time, and to play with them on the Adventure Playground.
  • Pennies of Kindness - these are awarded to children for random acts of kindness. Children can bank these and then come and spend them at our Pennies of Kindness shop!




Following the issuing of a stop and think card and a warning card, our Good to be Green Behaviour Charter takes children through a series of consequences. 


  • Consequence 1 - time out of the classroom or on the sad spot in the classroom; this will be between 1 minute and 3 minutes depending on the age of the child 
  • Consequence 2 - 5 minutes of breaktime spent with the class teacher
  • Consequence 3 - 10 minutes spent with the phase leaders
  • Consequence 4 - time spent with a member of the senior leadership team
  • Consequence 5 - parents invited into school for a discussion with a senior member of staff


All behaviour incidents will be recorded and data analysed on a weekly basis in order to allow us to review and monitor behaviour across school and to put in additional interventions and support where necessary. 


It is our intention that all behaviour incidents will be concluded with a restorative conversation between all parties, with the opportunity to put things right, and with a fresh start moving forward.


Overall School: 94.6%
