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Pupil Premium

"The use of extra funding for disadvantaged pupils is very well managed by a senior leader. The decision to use qualified teachers to provide expert support has proved very successful. The impact of the funding money is checked robustly and resources are used successfully to improve pupils’ achievement."

Ofsted, 2015


"Disadvantaged pupils' progress is improving. Information about their progress shows that, while some differences remain, disadvantaged pupils now make good progress. There is hardly any difference in the standard of their work compared to that of their peers. Pupils have spoken with pride about their work and showed me their many achievements during lessons."

Ofsted, 2019


What is the Pupil Premium Grant?


The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is additional funding to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and to close the attainment gap with their peers. The government has chosen to mainly identify disadvantaged pupils through eligibility for free school meals.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement - 2022 - 2025


Overall School: 94.4%

Are you considering Short Wood Primary School for your child? Our next Reception open day visits are 2nd Oct and 13th Nov @ 9:30am