Promote well being / Community / Success & Ambition - ‘Aiming high, growing dreams’ Home Page

Parent Pay



In September 2019, we introduced 'Parent Pay'.  This is a safe and secure online way of making payments to school, rather than using cash or cheques.  Parent Pay is used for all payment items such as school meals, trips and clubs.


Parent Pay can be set up on your mobile phone, so payments couldn't be easier. The service is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


There is also the option to make payments via bank transfer to keep the balance of the account topped up. 


If you would prefer not to pay online, you can make payments in 'Pay Point' shops using a bar code that school can give you for individual payment items - please ask in the school office for more details.


 If you have more than one child in our school, you can add them all onto the same account.  This also applies if you have a child at another school that uses Parent Pay.




We will ask you to give consent for any after school clubs or trips via Parent Pay. This saves you filling in any forms and saves us the cost of paper and printing. We also have a permanent electronic record of your permission.  Paper slips often go missing, so we will always ask you to use Parent Pay if at all possible, as this is best for us all. 




Your child will be given a unique reference number and PIN code.  Once you receive this, please register for an account at and activate via the Account Login area of the site.

For a brief overview of Parent Pay, please click on the following link:


Please help us by registering your account as soon as possible.

Parent Pay can be accessed via the following website address

Power Point Presentation for Parents


Overall School: 93.4%
