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Uniform Information

Short Wood School Compulsory Uniform



  • pale blue, royal blue or white polo shirt



  • grey trousers, skirt or pinafore


Sweatshirts & Cardigans  

  • royal blue with or without the school logo - available with the Short Wood logo on from Baker and Son


PE Kit

  • plain black shorts with a plain t-shirt (no logos/slogans/pictures) or a Short Wood Primary School PE shirt with our school logo on


Swimming Kit

  • all in one swimming costume or swimming trunks and a towel
  • leggings can also be worn if required 


Squirrel/Forest School

  • waterproof trousers
  • waterproof jacket
  • wellies
  • warm clothes 


Uniform with the Short Wood logo can be purchased from Baker and Son School Wear on New Street in Wellington, who stock our new uniform exclusively - you can arrange for free collection from the store, or for delivery for a small charge. Items without the school logo are also acceptable - these can be found in most supermarkets.


We also have a range of pre-loved uniform that can be collected for free in the Short Wood Shares cabin - please visit the cabin on the Sports Hall car park and help yourself to any items that would be useful.


Legislation:  Our uniform policy complies with DFE statutory guidance on the cost of school uniforms and the Human Rights Act 1998 and Equality Act 2010. Cost of school uniforms - GOV.UK

School Uniform Policy

Examples of Uniform


If you have any queries regarding school uniform, please contact the school office.


Overall School: 94.6%
