Short Wood Primary School believes it important to identify the views of parents/carers and pupils.
Pupil Voice
Pupils in Early Years, KS1 and KS2 are able to elect a representative on the School Council. Pupils are then asked to share ideas that can be implemented within school and the local community.
At Short Wood, we value the opinion of our pupils and allow regular opportunities for the children to discuss their learning within a subject during pupil learning conferences or subject specific pupil voice.
We hold pupil conferencing sessions where SEND children discuss their targets, progress and support with SEND staff – they may complete a questionnaire.
Staff will meet with a focus group of children with their books to discuss the children's learning and targets.
Parent Voice
Parents/carers are welcome to join our PTA. Parents are regularly informed of events within school through newsletters, the website and social media. There is always a member of the senior school staff available before and after school to listen to parents’/carers’ views and questions.
We also welcome parents/carers to meet with or ring the SENCO to discuss anything regarding their child.
Termly meetings are held with the class teacher and parents/carers to discuss your child's progress, share targets and identify their next steps. More regular meetings may be needed if a child meets their targets early or if their needs are more complex. Additional meetings may be held with the class teacher or SENCO.
Please contact Mrs Hazel Waterhouse on 01952 387360 regarding anything connected to SEN.
Overall School: 94.6%