All children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) should be able to reach their full potential in school. At Short Wood, this means giving them access to the school building, the outside environment, the curriculum and the wider school life.
Staff support children with toileting needs, in conjunction with parents. We are a school that can be easily accessed by wheel chair users: we have wide corridors and door openings, disabled toilets, accessible outdoor areas, and a range of changing facilities.
The school have a wide-range of specific resources: changeable height desks, sloping boards, pencil grips, wobble cushions, and TAs who specifically support children to access all areas of school life.
Staff have attended a range of specific training: support children to access the curriculum; how to test hearing aids and support children with hearing loss; moving and handling training to support moving children with physical needs.
Overall School: 94.6%