Roles and Responsibilities
Our SENCO, Hazel Waterhouse, is responsible for the operation of the Special Needs Policy and the co-ordination of specific provision made to support individual children with additional needs.
Our SENCO works closely with the SEND Governor, Helen Donoghue, to ensure appropriate support and provision for all children.
Other SEND staff work with the SENCO to deliver specific provision across the school.
Class teachers, with the support of the SENCO, liaise with parents/carers, children, outside agencies and teaching assistants to monitor progress and plan interventions or change interventions where necessary.
The SENCO has regular contact with a wide range of external agencies that are able to give more specialised advice.
Assistant Head and SENCO - Hazel Waterhouse
Early Years SENCO - Anna Lewis
SEND Governor - Helen Donoghue
Inclusion Manager - Jane Griffiths
Learning Mentors - Louise Szydlowska, Gemma Scott and Emma Preece
ELSA trained Staff: Gemma Scott, Louise Szydlowska, Emma Preece and Rebecca Cosh
Elklan trained teaching assistants - Speech and Language intervention - Claire Gough
Cool Kids trained Staff - Jo Frost and Claire Jackson
Speech and Language Therapists - Judy Land and Dianne Owens (Hadley)
Link Educational Psychologist - Meryl Newton
Link Learning Support Advisory Teacher - Ceri Hurst
All staff plan for and deliver intervention sessions for children who may need additional support in the classroom.
SEND Staff Training and Qualifications
Our SENCO, Hazel Waterhouse, has completed and achieved the NASENDCO Award September 2013.
Our Early Years SENCO, Anna Lewis, has completed and achieved the NASENDCO Award.
The staff at Short Wood Primary School have personal experience of working with children with both specific learning needs and behavioural needs. Some of our staff have attended a wide and varied variety of courses and have qualifications in the following:
Diabetes Awareness
Moving and Handling
Emotional Behaviour Course
Intro to ASD and ADHD
Restraint Course
Bereavement training
Communication Friendly Classrooms
Cool kids training
Talk Maths
Asthma training
Precision Teaching
Speech and Language Courses
Selective Mutism
ELKLAN - Speech and Language support
Understanding speech, language and communication difficulties
Listen with Lucy
Contrastive pairs
Attention and Listening
Annual Training for All Staff
Child Protection and Safeguarding
Anaphylaxis and administering Epi-pen
Overall School: 94.6%