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Identification of SEND

Early identification of a special educational need (SEN) is essential. Short Wood has an SEND policy which outlines how we identify, assess and support children with SEND.


Special educational needs and provision can be considered as falling under four broad areas.

  1. Communication and interaction
  2. Cognition and learning
  3. Social, mental and emotional health
  4. Sensory and/or physical


Many children and young people have difficulties that fit clearly into one of these areas; some have needs that span two or more areas; for others the precise nature of their need may not be clear at the outset. It is, therefore, important to carry out a detailed individual assessment of each child or young person and their situation at the earliest opportunity to make an accurate assessment of their needs.


  • If your child has been identified as needing more specialist input, in addition to good and outstanding classroom teaching and intervention groups, referrals will be made to outside agencies to advise and support the school in enabling your child to make progress.

  • Before referrals are made parents/carers will be contacted to discuss and concerns which the school has and allow parents/carers to share any concerns they may have.

  • If it is agreed that the support of an outside agency is the way forward, you will be asked to give your permission for the school to refer your child to a specialist professional, e.g. a speech and language therapist or educational psychologist. This will help the school and yourself understand your child’s particular needs better.

  • The specialist professional will work with your child to understand their needs and make recommendations which may include:

    • making changes to the way your child is supported in class e.g some individual support or changing some aspects of teaching to support them better.

    • support to set targets which will include their specific professional expertise.

    • your child’s involvement in a group run by school staff under the guidance of the outside professional e.g. a social skills group, or speech and language group.

    • a group of individual work with outside professional agencies.

  • The school may suggest that your child needs some agreed individual support or group support in school. Your child’s teacher/SENCO will explain how your child will be supported.

  • The school feel it is important to liaise with parents/carers when identifying appropriate support for their child and your views play a key role in the development of your child and their continued progress.

  • Where the needs of the child are more complex and the required provision is above that which would normally offered then we will assist you in making an application for an Education Health Care Needs Assessment which will then be sent to the Local Authority .



Overall School: 94.6%
