"The governors make excellent use of their skills and knowledge to support and challenge the school’s leaders."
Ofsted, 2015
Mr Sean Jarvis - Appointed Chair of Governors, 9th July 2024
Areas of Responsibility: Vice Chair, ICT, PE, H/T Performance Management/ Attendance
Category: Co-opted
Appointed by: Governing Body
Term and length of office: 4 years; re-appointed January 2022
"I joined the Governing Body as a Parent Governor, when my 2 youngest children were pupils at the school. I was very pleased to be asked to remain as a Co-opted Governor at the end of 2016.
I live locally and have supported Short Wood Primary School in the capacity as their independent IT Consultant. I work closely with the School leadership team to get the best out of IT, overseeing the implementation of new systems and software, the procurement of all the interactive boards in each classroom, to all the iPads and laptops used throughout the school, and with the Head Teacher on the selection process, procurement, design and implementation of Short Wood Primary School’s new Website.
I have worked closely with other School Governors and the School Management Team on Short Wood’s restructuring programme and performance Management. I also play an active part (and take a real interest) in Short Wood’s school improvement plan, where IT forms a big part of the curriculum and the pupil educational experience. I am proud to be a school Governor and to be part of a great leadership team at Short Wood Primary School."
Mrs Christine Marsh
Areas of Responsibility: Early Years
Category: Trust Governor
Appointed by: Governing Body
Term and length of office: 4 Years; re-appointed October 2023
“I was pleased to become a Governor at Short Wood Primary School because, through my previous work with Telford Local Authority, I was aware of the good reputation the school has with regard to meeting the needs of their pupils.
I have lived and worked in Telford for many years, first as a Primary Head Teacher and more recently as the lead officer for Early Years, Children Centres and Children and Family Locality based services in the Local Authority. I have now retired and am enjoying spending more time with my young grandchildren and felt that I would also like to support a local school as a governor.
I have a special interest in the Foundation Stage provision within the school and want to ensure that I provide governor support to the children, staff and parents using the skills and knowledge that I have gained throughout my career. As a School Improvement Partner I provided support and challenge to both school managers and governors to ensure that their performance management and vision for their school was robust and ambitious. Short Wood is a forward looking school with high expectations for all the children and a caring approach to supporting them in the context of their families and local community and I am proud to be a school governor.”
Mrs Gail Butele
Areas of Responsibility: Head Teacher
Category: Head Teacher
Appointed by: Governing Body
Term and length of office: Ongoing
"I am very proud to be the Head Teacher of Short Wood Primary and a member of the Governing Body. Having been a Short Woody for a number of years I have seen the way our school, in the heart of the community, has developed and I am excited about our plans for the future. We work hard together as a team to provide the best possible opportunities for all the pupils to allow them to reach their potential and use all of their talents."
Mrs Jane Aston
Areas of Responsibility: Learning beyond the classroom; pupil voice
Category: Staff
Appointed By: Elected
Term and length of office: 4 years; September 2020
"I have been a class teacher at Short Wood since 2013. I have always enjoyed working here and feel that it is a place where children are given lots of opportunities to enjoy their learning and make wonderful memories. I am passionate about being involved in the discussions about how to further support children. As a full-time teaching member of staff I am able to provide some insight into daily school life.
My own personal interests include Outdoor pursuits, this is something that like to include as often as possible in my teaching. I recognise the value of the risk and challenges faced during outdoor activities as well as the well-being aspect of spending time in the fresh air."
Mr Mike Chandler
Areas of Responsibility: Science
Category: Co-opted
Appointed by: Governing Body
Term and length of office: 4 years; appointed 31st August 2020
“I have been a Governor for over 20 years, first at Ercall Junior and then at Short Wood. I have a special interest in Art and Science. I use my experience running an education suppliers to support the school in the areas of finance and marketing, as well as supporting with a variety of Personnel related issues.”
Miss Mel Jones
Areas of Responsibility: CIC/Safeguarding
Category: Co-opted
Appointed by: Governing Body
Term and length of office: 4 years; appointed 31st August 2020
"I have been a School Governor for approximately 14 years, initially at Ercall Junior, through the amalgamation with Barn Farm and ongoing with Short Wood Primary School. My area of responsibility as a Governor is for Safeguarding and Children in Care.
I started out as a volunteer and I am now one of the school administrators at Short Wood. I feel that my own personal background helps in my work and that parents/carers find me approachable and understanding.
Having been born in Wellington and always living within the local area, I believe I am able to have a ‘voice’ for the school community. Both of my children have been educated in these 3 schools and although now grown up they still have fond memories of their time in them. We are proud to be ‘Short Woodies’."
Ms Helen Donoghue
Areas of Responsibility: Literacy, Safeguarding, SEND
Category: Trust Governor
Appointed By: Governing Body
Term and length of office: 4 years; re-appointed December 2023
“I am a retired secondary English teacher with over 30 years experience in teaching in the state sector, most recently in Wolverhampton. On retiring in 2017, I wanted to maintain links with education and particularly literacy so became a volunteer reading helper through the charity Beanstalk and was sent to Short Wood School. I now volunteer independently, currently reading with each Year 6 class on a weekly basis. I believe that Short Wood is an innovative and inclusive school which strives to improve the life chances of its children. Living across the road, I know what long days the staff experience, testament to that dedication. The opportunity to be a governor will allow me to support and encourage the excellent staff and Headteacher in their efforts to develop skills and a safe and happy environment for the children."
Mr James Goodchild
Areas of responsibility: Science
Category: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: Board
Term and length of office: 4 years; appointed 5th October 2021 (Parent Gov), Reappointed 7th December 2023 as Co-opted Governor
"I was elected by parents to represent them on the Governing body in 2021, when my daughter was in year 2 at Short Wood.
I hold a degree in Aerospace Systems Engineering and have worked in the engineering sector for for 23 years. I am a technical and people leader, supporting staff development, leading and managing large, complex projects in a large multi functional organisation. I have experience in developing policies, budgetary and strategic planning. Over my career I have had an active role in local communities, supporting local schools and community projects, advocating on behalf of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Women in Science and Engineering (WISE).
In my job, I am the Deputy Chair of the Safety Review Board, which reviews and manages potential product safety issues. My role has transferrable skills and qualities which I feel will help me in my role as Parent Governor in terms of making informed, impartial decisions based on data, integrity and trust. The role also promotes continual learning to ensure advancement in technologies and practices to ensure that my knowledge is kept up to date.
I actively promote Diversity, Ethics and Inclusion into all areas of my job.
The strong commitment to equality and inclusion at Short Wood was a key factor in choosing this school for our children. I will commit to these values in my role as Governor."
Mrs Caroline Sands
Area of responsibility: Finance
Category: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: Governing Body
Term and length of office: 4 years; appointed 23rd September 2021
"Hi I’m Caroline Sands, a retired qualified Accountant. I retired in 2020 after working in Industry for 39 years. My strengths are in finance and related subjects, and people skills, having managed large and small teams over my years in industry. I’m a keen gardener and animal lover, and enjoy walking my 3 dogs. I’m keen to utilise the skills I have to assist the school, the staff and above all the children at Shortwood Primary School."
Mrs Flora Holdsworth - appointed Vice Chair of Governors 9th July 2024
Areas of responsibility: Safeguarding
Category: Local Authority Governor
Appointed by: Governing Body
Term and length of office: 4 years; appointed 20th November 2019 (Parent Governor) Re-appointed as Local Authority Governor 21st September 2023.
“When I joined the Governors at Short Wood Primary School, I had a child in key stage 1 at the school, and a child due to start in Reception.
When I became a parent governor it was in the hope that I would be able to support the school and staff then and in the future. I have a particular interest in internal and external communications and currently work part time for a heritage and nature conservation charity focusing on marketing and communications."
Mr Mark Robinson
Area of responsibility: Health and Safety
Category: Parent Governor
Appointed by: Governing Body
Term and length of office: 4 Years; appointed December 2023
" I have 2 daughters, my oldest is now at secondary school and the youngest is in key stage 2, at Short Wood. I can not speak highly enough of the excellent teaching team at Short Wood and the support they have given to both of my children. I applied to be a Parent Governor in order to give something back to the school . My current occupation as an IT Delivery Director demands high levels of teamwork, dedication, understanding and resolution of complex issues amongst other things.
I also have a background working in a mental health, helping to care for a wide range of age groups, on both medium forensic and acute wards. This experience gave me an incredible insight into a wide variety of challenges facing people with mental health issues, especially in young people.
I have also had first hand experience within my own family of dyslexia and autism and hope that my insight will be of benefit to the school. I have seen the positive benefits that the right level of school support has had on their lives.
I appreciate the level of diversity in school and think that all children benefit from exposure to an inclusive environment with different cultural backgrounds and educational needs.
My priority as governor is to help ensure that all children, irrespective of cultural background or educational need, have a safe and secure environment to learn in, to help them reach their full potential."
Mr Christopher Heywood
Area of responsibility: TBC
Category: Parent Governor
Appointed by: Governing Body
Term and length of office: 4 Years; appointed December 2023
“I was elected as parent governor in October 2023, and I have two children at Short Wood in year 2 and 4. I have worked in secondary education for 25 years, with my subject specialism being Physical education. I have worked in all contexts of school, and been a head of department, assistant headteacher, and now am a deputy headteacher.
My skills and qualities developed in an extensive career across a range of settings has equipped me with the ability to be able to support Short Wood and the governing body with a different perspective from secondary education, to support in preparing pupils at Short Wood for the next steps into secondary school.
My current school is a very diverse and multicultural community which we take great pride in celebrating, and is very similar to the community we serve at Short Wood”
Becoming a School Governor
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Overall School: 93.7%