Years 1 and 2
We are looking forward to some exciting learning outside this term!
We are starting with some weaving activities - we have a lot of willow planted on our site and need to look after it! We are going on adventures to Squirrel School to see what changes are happening around the site and the stream! We will be thinking about our feathered friends and learning more about which birds we see at Short Wood and how they survive the Winter. What can we do to help them?
Years 3 and 4
We were visited by the charity 'Buglife' just before Christmas and worked with them to plant seeds which will create habitats for the insects around our school. They gave us bee-friendly plants which are growing in our polytunnel and an Insect Hotel so that we can protect our insects throughout the year. We are really excited to see how well they grow and what insects they will attract!
This term we are also bringing our Art outside. We will be learning how to create clay pots and decorate them. We might even get a chance to try out our new pottery wheel which is under our canopy in Forest School!
Year 5
After such a wet Christmas, Year 5 are going to find out how to be 'Weather Watchers'! They are going to learn how to monitor rainfall and temperature. Our site is really water-logged at the moment and so we need Year 5 to see what improvements they can come up with!
Year 6
Year 6 are going to find out how to look after and manage our site this Spring! Each week, we will work on specific tasks which will improve our site for everyone to learn in it. We are working closely with a botanist, who is helping us control the areas of grassy meadow and the growth of the brambles so that we can enjoy the different parts of our site throughout the year.
We are also going to take our Science learning outside - can we create the circulatory system outside and learn about how it works? And, as part of our History topic, we thought it would be fun to create mythological beasts from natural objects!
Overall School: 94.6%