Promote well being / Community / Success & Ambition - ‘Aiming high, growing dreams’ Home Page


"Morale is high. All members of staff who responded to the inspection questionnaire said that they are proud to work at the school and all agreed that the school is well led and managed."


Ofsted, 2019

Senior Leaders


Mrs Gail Butele - Head Teacher/Designated Safeguard Lead
Dr Laura Saunders - Deputy Head/
Designated Safeguard Lead

Mrs Hazel Waterhouse - Assistant Head/SENCO/Designated Safeguard Lead

Mrs Rebecca Kennedy - Assistant Head/KS1 Co-ordinator/Reading Co-ordinator/Designated Safeguard Lead


Teaching Staff


Mrs Jane Aston - Early Years Co-ordinator

Mr Matthew Hill-Shaw -  KS1 Co-ordinator/Writing Co-ordinator

Miss Tracey Smallman - LKS2 Co-ordinator/History Co-ordinator

Mrs Kirsty Anderson - UKS2 Co-ordinator

Mrs Diane Lowndes - Science Co-ordinator

Mrs Nikki Evans - MFL Co-ordinator

Mrs Jane Doult - Writing Co-ordinator

Mrs Lesley Bridger - Outdoor Learning Co-ordinator

Mrs Claire Collingwood - KS2 ALT

Mrs Rachel Fairgrieve - Science Co-ordinator

Mr Ryan Adams - Designated Online Safety Lead/Computing Co-ordinator

Mr Richard Butler - Sports Coach

Mr Steve Faulkner - PE Co-ordinator

Mrs Elinor Jones - RE Co-ordinator

Miss Anna Lewis - Early Years SENDCO

Mrs Emma Loakes - Geography Co-ordinator

Mrs Gina Powis - Art Co-ordinator

Mrs Catherine Roberts - Music Co-ordinator/Year 4 teacher

Miss Lucy Taylor - RE Co-ordinator

Mrs Emma Weston - Science Co-ordinator

Mr William Brench - PE Co-ordinator

Miss Claire Gough - History Co-ordinator

Miss Georgia Hinton - Art Co-ordinator

Mr William Slawson - Year 3 teacher

Miss Brodi Ashton - Year 3 teacher


Support Staff


Mrs Jane Griffiths - Inclusion Manager/Designated Safeguard Lead

Mrs Valerie Pryce - Breakfast Club Supervisor
Mrs Louise Revitt-Szydlowska - Learning Mentor

Miss Gemma Scott - Learning Mentor

Mrs Rafina Ahmed
Miss Nasreen Begum

Mrs Sharon Byrne

Mrs Rebecca Cosh

Mrs Marie Duce
Mrs Amanda Edwards
Mrs Jo Frost
Mrs Martyna Gruszczynska

Miss Kerryanne Jeffries
Ms Kim Link
Mrs Heather Preston

Mrs Amy Taylor

Mrs Hamdiya Murtala

Mrs Shyla Malapaya
Miss Sharon Turner

Mrs Samena Shah

Ms Helen Jones 

Mrs Rhiannon Matthews 

Lady Matilda Serjani

Mrs Sue Morris Bateman

Mrs Zoe Mitchell

Mrs Karen Dallow

Ms Claire Jackson

Miss Leah Thomas

Mrs Sara Gowland

Ms Hollie Brownsell




Mrs Sue Jarvis - School Business Manager
Miss Melanie Jones - School Administrator/Attendance Clerk

Miss Tegan Harper - School Administrator

Miss Assia Parveen - Admin Assistant/Receptionist

Mrs Maria Evans - Admin Assistant/ Receptionist - Nest Nursery

Ms Toni Bohn - Education Welfare Officer


Site Team


Mr Peter Saunders - Site Manager
Mr Chris Glover - Caretaker
Mr Malcolm Green - Groundsman

Ms Vicky Leitch - General Assistant

Ms Lyndsey Hall - General Assistant


Lunchtime Supervisors


Miss Melanie Jones - Principle Supervisor 

Miss Nasreen Begum

Mrs Joyce Crooke

Mrs Martyna Gruszczynska

Miss Kerryanne Jefferies

Mrs Amy Taylor

Mrs Samena Shah

Miss Vicky Leitch

Mrs Karen Dallow

Miss Lyndsey Hall

Mrs Ruwanthi De Silva

Miss Kay Headley

Mrs Hamdiya Murtala

Mrs Shyla Malapaya

Mrs Rhiannon Matthews 

Mrs Jodie Yale

Mrs Louise Bleloch


Overall School: 93.7%
