School staff regularly review all children’s progress and monitor children with concerns so that those children with ongoing concerns may be referred to the appropriate agency with the permission of parents. Where children have additional needs they will be supported in accessing the full curriculum. Individual risk assessments are carried out where appropriate to ensure the safety of children with additional needs. Where children’s needs are more complex and requires a high level of intervention and support the school may request an Education Health Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) be completed by the Local Authority.
Possible Specific Needs
speech and language difficulties or delay
specific literacy difficulties – affecting reading and writing or maths
autistic spectrum needs
hearing impairment
visual impairment
physical needs
medical condition which impacts on the child’s learning
Specific Agency Support
As a school we can access support and advice from specialist services:
speech and language therapists (through referral)
occupational therapists (through referral)
behaviour support staff and Inclusion mentors (school buy in session)
sensory inclusion service – hearing and vision
school nurse
health visitors
learning support advisory teacher (school buy in sessions)
education psychologists (limited)
clinical psychologists (limited)
Bee U (through referral)
Overall School: 93.7%