Thursday night certainly went off with a bang here at Short Wood. Our Key Stage One team planned and delivered a fabulous range of experiences for the children as part of their celebrations topic which culminated in an amazing firework display, enjoyed by adults and children alike. Sharing the excitement, awe and wonder with the children was just brilliant and the creative ideas and follow up has been a pleasure to share.
Year 6 have been developing their engineering skills this week as they have taken on the challenge of designing and building a Mars Rover, building on the skills they developed in Year 5 making rockets they planned and made buggies to be tested on different surfaces, combining DT and Science skills to good effect.
Our teaching team came together to share writing examples across school this week, we were looking at age related expectations to ensure children are making good progress from one year to the next. There was a wide variety of writing on show and it really demonstrated the creative approaches used to engage our pupils.
Thank you to a group of Year 6 boys, led by Dylan our school council captain, for organising a charity chocolate tombola in school this week. We will let you know the final amount of money raised which will be heading to a good cause shortly.
Next week we will be supporting the national Anti Bullying week with assemblies and work in school discussing this important message, an odd socks day next Thursday will highlight the campaign. We will also be supporting Children in Need next Friday, for a donation of £1 pupils can come to school dressed in spots and/or stripes.
Congratulations to our Golden Leaf winners this week, they have displayed excellent Short Woody characteristics and are excellent role models for others to follow.
Overall School: 93.7%