It has been a delight to welcome back some of our Short Woodies from Full time Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 this week alongside our children who have been attending throughout the lock down period.
Children have been allocated into bubbles of up to 10 pupils, they have been brilliant at adapting to the new rules and routines showing just how resilient they are. Our outdoor space has been divided up to ensure each bubble has a zone they can use, lunches have been picnics outdoors when the weather allows, if it is raining then children are eating indoors in their class bubbles.
We have a one way system through school for parents dropping off and picking up, we are grateful for everyone following the plans we have in place.
If you have a child in Full Time Nursery, Reception, Year 1 or Year 6 you can still decide to send your child back, please contact the school office before bringing your child in so we can allocate them to a group. We do need to know in advance to allow us to plan groups and allocate staff.
For children not back yet we will still be updating the website and teachers will be maintaining contact through Dojo. It may take a little longer to respond than usual as teachers are working within bubbles.We have also sent more home learning packs out this week.
It is unlikely we will be able to invite more year groups back this term based on the latest Government announcements - we are considering the options we have available and if we are able to invite more pupils we will be in touch.
Please keep in touch with class teachers using Dojo, if you need to speak to any of our team contact the school office and someone will get back to you.
Overall School: 94.6%