We have had a busy start back in school for the second half of the Autumn term. Teachers have been busy planning inspiring learning for the term ahead.
The week began with a visit from Wellington's Mayor. She joined our assemblies to present prizes for the Peggy Harrison poetry competition. Following the assemblies she joined our Year 3 pupils for Calm Brain to see how our Short Woodies are being supported to find moments of calm in their day. We have been invited to visit the council offices to see the Market Charter on display as part of our 'In the Shadow of the Wrekin' topic.
Staff have visited BEAM in Wellington this week to find out what the project has to offer. We are really lucky to have such a valuable resource right on our doorstep to support the Emotional Health and Well Being of our young people. We have joined their mailing list and will share information on our website as we receive it. If a young person you know needs some help or support it is really worth a visit.
Our Eco-council are going to be busy as the term goes on - we are looking at achieving Green Flag status so will be taking a careful look at how eco friendly we are and where we can potentially make changes to get even better.
School council met on Wednesday, they discussed how we can make the playground even better than it is. Mrs Lowndes who teaches in Year 5 and Mrs Duce, who leads the lunchtime team, joined the meeting. The council have come up with a set of rules and reminders that we are going to have displayed around the play ground. They are also gathering ideas about additional equipment that would enhance playtimes. They are going to recruit new play leaders and playground mentors to offer peer support on the playground at break time and lunchtime. Posters are being created to advertise the roles and then interested individuals will be asked to complete a short application and take part in training.
Remembrance has been a theme through school this week. Pupils have taken part in assemblies to think about why we wear poppies and some classes have used this theme as part of their class based work, early years pupils proudly wore their home made poppies to the Golden Leaf assembly this morning, where as a school we took a moment for quiet reflection. This afternoon Year 5 are visiting the 'Gratitude Café' in Wellington, they will be taking their '100' poppy display. On Sunday members of the school council will be representing Short Wood at the Remembrance Parade in Wellington, our council captains will be laying a wreath on behalf of our school. Thank you to parents who are bringing members along to enable us to be part of such an important community event.
On Thursday Year 5 were joined by Jack Pierce from The Schools Arts Trust and The Arts Centre Telford (TACT) to begin their preparations for their 'Carols around the tree' Christmas celebration. The singing yesterday was beautiful, we can't wait to share their performance later in the term. Preparations for all Christmas performances across school are underway. We are doing things a little differently this year, early years are planning outdoor celebrations, KS1 are rehearsing for their Grand Show - inspired by Katie Morag stories. Look out for key dates, we will get them added to the calendar on this site as soon as possible.
You may have thought you had travelled back in time this morning if you arrived as the 'Ancient Greeks' were heading into the sports hall. Year 6 are emerged in all things Greek today. Later in the term they will be presenting their learning in their 'Night at the Museum' experience.
Next week is Anti Bullying week - a national focus to highlight how important it is that we deal with any issues that arise and support individuals involved. The theme this year is 'Choose Respect' . We will be having a day on Wednesday where children will be invited to wear odd socks to highlight the focus. There will be work across school next week on the theme of Respect - for themselves, each other and the world in which we live. We want to empower our children and adults to feel equipped to deal with situations that present themselves. Please take time to chat to your children about this topic. At the end of the week we will also be supporting Children in Need, look out for details.
Well done as always to our Golden Leaf winners this week, we are really proud of them and as importantly they are proud of themselves.
Overall School: 94.5%