Promote well being / Community / Success & Ambition - ‘Aiming high, growing dreams’ Home Page

Welcome back

On Monday March 8th we are looking forward to welcoming back all of our Short Woodies to school.


The last few weeks have presented many challenges but also opportunities.  We have heard lovely stories of how families have supported each other and heard about some of the lasting memories that have been created.  


Whether at home or at school, the pupils have shown great resilience  and have inspired us all.  The staff team have been equally as resilient and have worked relentlessly to plan, deliver and support all of our pupils and families, while juggling their own family lives too.  Thank you to everyone for your efforts, it is truly appreciated.


While we are excited about the full reopening of school, we must remember this is only the first stage of coming out of lockdown. With this in mind we have reviewed and refreshed our risk assessments.  All of the controls and rules that were in place in the Autumn term will remain.  No child should attend school, or adult visit school ,if they or members of their household are displaying symptoms fo COVID19, households must remain at home and book a test. 


Children will return to their class bubbles, these will have allocated staff members with them.  Bubbles will not mix in school.  Please consider this when you are dropping off and collecting your child, it is the responsibility of the adult dropping off or collecting to ensure children do not mix before and after school.  Children should wear school uniform or their PE kit on designated PE days.


The half hour drop off times at the start (8.45-9.15) and end (2.45-3.15) of the day will resume. The one way system through school is also still in operation.  Please send ONE adult per family to reduce the number of adults on site, this adult needs to wear a face covering, unless exempt.  Adults must continue to follow social distancing guidelines.


Any contact required with the class teachers should be done via dojo or by calling or emailing the school office.


We are aware that there are likely to be occasions that we need to request bubbles to isolate.  In this event we will continue to provide remote learning.  We do have laptops available for loan if you do not have a suitable device at home.


Any devices that are currently out on loan need to be returned to school.  Our office team will be in touch to arrange a time for you to return the device and sign it back in.  Please wait to be contacted so we avoid groups of people at the office.


Next week we have planned a range of learning to welcome our pupils back, we have ensured there will be time to reflect on events and to consider how we now 'bounce forward' into the next phase of the school year.  The emotional health and well being of the pupils and staff will be a priority so that everyone feels confident and able to return to learning at school.  If you have any queries, worries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help.


Finally, thank you to everyone who has contacted us this term with your feedback.  The team in school have been genuinely touched by your kindness, positive and constructive comments, whether you child has experienced this term so far at home or in school.  As we enter week 52 of the COVID era next week (yes it has been a year) we must remember that kindness, cooperation and consideration has seen us through - let's continue this journey together in a positive sunny mindset (hopefully the weather will do the same!).  See you on Monday!





Overall School: 93.4%
