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Welcome back

Welcome back to school for the second half of the Spring term.  We are delighted to say Mrs Harris is back with us following her knee surgery.  She is thrilled to be back in school, everyone has welcomed her back into school life.


Following a great deal of work with the school catering team our school council have been proud to introduce a sandwich bar into the dinner hall.  Many children have chosen the school sandwich option this week and the feedback has been really positive.  The children are able to choose from a range of fillings, add salad and then choose a cake or biscuit, fruit and yoghurt or soft cheese square.  We have been really impressed by how quickly the children have picked up the new routine.  Our next challenge is to reduce the amount of waste, we are encouraging children to eat their crusts and to only choose the amount of food they feel they can eat.  We are keen to respond to the feedback we have received from the children, the first thing we have acted upon is their request for some bread to be unbuttered!


Before the holidays we wrote about the new road markings that were expected outside of school over half term.  We are disappointed that these have not been done.  Our understanding is that the local authority have decided that the road needs to be resurfaced and they will not do the markings until this has been done.  We will keep you informed.


Today the Year 6 children have experienced a day as an 'Ancient Greek'.  It was a delight to see the children and staff really getting into the spirit of the day by dressing up. At lunchtime the children talked enthusiastically about their experience. 


Year 5 have been outdoors all day today, Mrs Bridger and Mr Saunders have supported the team in immersing the children in their war time topic.


We are delighted to share our golden leaf winners this week, they are real superstars.  They have enjoyed the top table today and have been celebrated in our Golden Leaf assembly.


Overall School: 94.6%
