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The Power in You

Today was a really important day in our school, we have been adding the new leaves to our tree in Tim's Garden this week and have celebrated everything that is great about being a Short Woody. Every pupil, member of staff, Governor and regular visitor to the school have added a leaf because each and every member of the Short Wood team is important.  If you haven't already completed the home school agreement your children brought home this week please take some time over the weekend to go through it together.  The partnership between home and school is crucial to ensure your child is being supported in the best way possible to be the very best they can be.  We sang 'The Power in Me' to remind the children of the potential within them, and how important it is to aim high, believe in themselves and dream.


In line with our home school agreement we have been talking to the children across school about respect over the last couple of weeks.  Our Year 5/6 assembly was focused on the culture of our school this week and how everyone has a responsibility to contribute to this.  We discussed how important the words we use are and how the tone in which we speak to other impacts on how we feel about ourselves and how it makes others feel.  We expect to hear 'positive talk' and are relying on our oldest pupils to model this to our younger ones.  We also discussed how a simple smile can make someone's day.


Year 5 have been walking around Wellington this week as part of their 'In the shadow of The Wrekin' topic.  There is such a wealth of history and culture right on our doorstep - why not ask your child about their walk, they may even be able to take you on a walk of your own.


We were delighted to host a visit from a group of Dutch student teachers this week to share our practice.  They are particularly interested in the wide range of opportunities our children have to learn beyond the classroom.  They saw a Reception Class at Squirrel School heating soup over the fire they had made, before they shared it with each other.  They experienced Year 4 at Forest school making smores (marshmallows roasted on whittled sticks then eaten between biscuits). Class 4 were exploring what it may be like to be an archaeologist at the Egyptian 'dig' near the pool.  Year 1 and Year 5 were developing their mathematical thinking outdoors - there was so much to see.  Our visitors all wanted to stay longer and were so impressed by the pupils and staff they talked to. 


Because of our celebration around the tree today we will be holding our Golden Leaf assembly on Monday to say a big well done to the children who have received them this week.  Have a great weekend.


Overall School: 94.5%
