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Sunshine and showers!

This week has been full of sunshine and showers - even in the sunshine there was some soaking going on as Coach introduced super soakers to his PE sessions! It provided some cool relief in the heat of recent days, the giggles and squeals of joy were precious to hear.


We are working hard on our transition plans for September.  We realise this will be very different this year.  We will be spending the first few days in September really focusing on ensuring the children settle back into school quickly.  Our experience with children coming back to school is that they have settled quickly and been incredibly resilient and happy to resume their learning.  Teachers will be contacting children before the end of term.


This week our staff have been out and about delivering home learning packs - we hope you enjoy what we have included in them. It has been a pleasure seeing many of our families on the doorsteps.  If you haven't received yours yet it should be with you very early next week if not before.


Teachers are still contacting their classes through Dojo, please respond to let us know how you are getting on and whether we can offer you any further support. 

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend while continuing to look after each other.



Overall School: 94.6%
