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Spring term starts Tuesday 5th January

We hope you have all had a good holiday and a well earned rest. 


You will have heard a great deal in the media over this weekend regarding the reopening of primary schools.  With the information we currently have, Short Wood will fully reopen to all pupils on Tuesday 5th January following the planned PD day on  Monday 4th January.


If your child, or anyone in your household are displaying any symptoms please DO NOT come to school.  You must seek a test and not return to school until you have received a negative result. As we did last term we will be sending children home if they display any symptoms, including those associated with a common cold or flu as this seems to be how some people are affected, and asking for you to seek a test.  We recognise the significant challenges this causes many families and appreciate the ongoing support of you all in keeping each other safe.


These are challenging times, at Short Wood the team have been working hard to ensure we the school is as safe as possible.  We all need to continue to play our part in keeping Short Wood as safe a place as we possibly can.  We will continue to update our risk assessments in line with local and national guidance.  Please note this does change frequently we will do our best to keep you updated, if you have any questions please contact us and we will do our best to help. 


A few reminders are set out below:

  • Please only send 1 adult to drop off and collect to reduce the number of people on site
  • The one way system will remain
  • All adults are asked to wear masks while on site
  • Drop off will be 8.45am-9.15am and collection will be 2.45pm-3.15pm unless otherwise directed
  • Breakfast and After school clubs will run as they did in the Autumn term
  • All adults must take responsibility for ensuring social distancing rules are followed - please do not allow children to mix before and after school as we work hard to maintain the bubbles throughout the day
  • Contact with school can be made by calling or emailing the school office or by using Dojo


If your child will not be attending school due to self isolation of the child or household members please email to enable us to update our records.


We want all Short Woodies to have a settled return to school to be able to enjoy the exciting and varied curriculum the teachers have worked hard to plan.  Thank you to all of our staff who have worked over the holidays to create a positive start to the new term.


If guidance changes we will be in touch as soon as we can. Any queries or questions please get in touch, a member of our team will be happy to help.


Overall School: 93.7%
