It has been uplifting this week to enjoy the bright sunny days - there is a definite sense of Spring in the air.
Professional development has been high on the agenda over the last couple of weeks. We are part of a Telford and Wrekin initiative called 'Future in Mind', this term's event has provided some useful training materials to support our pupils and staff in dealing with difficult issues that may arise for our pupils and families and how to support a positive sense of emotional health and well being, it compliments the impact of calm brain in school brilliantly. This training will be run with all staff in the coming weeks. Mr Peckham, Miss Smallman and Mr Shaw are currently working on a middle leadership qualification to further develop their skills - demonstrating to the children that learning really is a lifelong process.
Carrying on the lifelong learning theme we welcomed lecturers from Newman University this week to work with our Research Council. This is a group of Short Woodies who are supporting Mrs Saunders in her research for her PhD. The council members set the lecturers a number of challenges in our outdoors - their den making skills and team work were noted as particular strengths.
The outdoors has been used over the last couple of weeks to enrich the learning about Anglo Saxons with Year 6 becoming Anglo Saxons for the day, using their knowledge and understanding to take themselves back in time.
Our youngest learners in Early Years have been inspired by their topic of 'I am an engineer' to enter a national competition this week. The competition open to 3 - 16 year olds, it asked entrants to identify a real life problem and come up with potential solutions. The children had some brilliant plans - take a look at the Early Years pages of this site to explore some of their learning this term.
The governing body met last night for their second full meeting of the term. They were delighted with the outcome of the recent Ofsted inspection and congratulated the whole community for their support and efforts to make Short Wood a really positive place to be.
We are celebrating last weeks and this weeks Golden Leaf winners today - we are really proud of their hard work and commitment to being the best they can be.
Don't forget the clocks 'spring' forward and air this weekend.
Overall School: 94.6%