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Sports Day superstars

Finally we have managed to start our Sports Days!  Years 5/6 and Years 3/4 have been brilliant this week.  Thanks to Coach B who spends a lot of time planning and preparing for these events.  The support from parents and carers has been great too. The balance of competitive events and fun filled activities makes these days a highlight of the year.  We are hoping the weather stays settled enough for us to do Key Stage 1 and Early Years next week.  Talking of sporting fun, staff took on pupils in a rounders match after school on Thursday.  After last year's pupil victory there was a real buzz surrounding the rematch. Following a competitive match, expertly umpired by Miss Smallman, staff were victorious.  The pupil's team decided the addition of Mr Brench to the staff team was the key to their success!


Transition days have happened across school this week.  While Year 6 pupils visited their new secondary schools, pupils in schools met their new class teachers for next year.  We have a number of new teachers joining Short Wood in September, it was a pleasure to welcome them to the team.  It was lovely to see so many of our new Reception children join us for lunch this week, with their adults, to give them a chance to practise what lunchtimes will be like. 


Key Stage 1 performed beautifully on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon this week.  Following on from the older children attending the Big Sing our Key Stage 1 pupils were keen to showcase their talents too.  We had lot of family members and friends come along, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.


Next week is a really busy one and we can't quite believe it is the last week of this academic year.  Year 6 have their Barmouth trip on Monday.  Parents evenings will be held on Monday and Tuesday, the children's reports will be handed out and discussed at these meetings.  On Wednesday evening the PTA have planned the Year 6 Prom, then on Thursday everyone is invited to our end of year celebration day - Do you want to be an engineer? - we have lots of activities and stalls to enable families to explore lots of different aspects of engineering and hopefully inspire some engineers of the future.


As it is the end of the year please have a search around at home and return any school books you may have hidden.  All library books can be returned directly to the library or to the red box in Class 9.  Lost property will be out on the playground towards the end of next week, please take a look for anything your child may have mislaid.


Just a reminder that we return to school next term on Tuesday September 3rd.


Congratulations to our Golden Leaf winners this week, they are superstars and we are so proud of them.


Overall School: 93.7%
