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Speak up saty safe

The volunteers from the NSPCC returned to school this week to work with Year 5 and 6 pupils on how to keep themselves safe.  They were really complimentary about the engagement of our pupils and the range of questions they asked and the responses they gave.  A range of topics were covered including online safety and bullying as well as identifying different forms of abuse and the need to speak out if there was anything that worried them. 


Staff across school have been undergoing safeguarding training around exploitation and vulnerability delivered by West Mercia police.  The sessions this week focused on the dangers the online world can present.  We are all aware of the amazing possibilities the internet presents but there are pitfalls and issues we all need to consider.  Communication with our pupils about online activity is crucial and we would encourage you to have discussions at home about apps they are using and games they are playing.  The NSPCC have a dedicated online safety helpline 0808 800 5002 which you can call for any guidance or support, if you need to check privacy settings or parental controls O2 also offer a free advice service with their O2 gurus - you can call into any store whether you are an O2 customer or not.  Apps are constantly evolving as is the language our young people are using in the online environment, for all of us as professionals and parents, our challenge is to keep talking to our young people to keep them safe.


We were delighted to receive our School Games Platinum Award, the best we can get,  this week. Bridie and Evan represented the school, alongside Coach Butler, and collected the trophy at the event at Telford Langley School.  We are really proud of the range of activities on offer at Short Wood both competitive and non competitive opportunities, the curriculum offer  and the number of free after school and extra curricular clubs.  The commitment of the staff is a real credit to our school, everyone appreciates the benefits both physically and mentally of regular activity and the sense of achievement our pupils show is a pleasure to see. 


Our Golden Leaves this week were also a pleasure to share today, the core values of friendship, commitment and resilience really stood out this week.


Overall School: 93.4%
