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Singing stars

This week we have had some wonderful comments from community members who have seen our children out and about spreading Christmas cheer.  Key Stage One have visited different care homes to sing their Christmas songs and the Year choir visited Sunnycroft earlier in the week to sing some of the songs they have been learning for their Victorian Christmas celebrations next Thursday.  Thank you to anyone who went along to support them - we know from Sky's Grandma how much everyone enjoyed their performance.


Next week we have a range of Christmas performances planned - dates and times have been sent out by email and on Dojo, if you have any queries please contact the school office.


The library will be the place to be next week after school - we have been informed that Santa is sending some secret readers in.  Visit the library next week to hear Christmas themed stories form our 'Secret Santas'.


All of our staff have been working with Karen Wilding this week on developing the teaching and learning of maths across school.  Karen will be returning for our PD day in January to follow up this training. Staff came away inspired and ready to use some new ideas.


The Year 5 trip to Blists Hill was a success, they were learning all about Victorian life in this area.  They undertook various Christmas related activities such as making a Christmas pudding and rag decorations.  They watched the 'dipping donkey' (ask a Year 5 to explain!) and made their own candles. Everyone really got into the spirit of the day by dressing up and taking on the role of a Victorian person.


The full governing body met on Thursday evening.  This was the second meeting of the term to review their involvement in school development and maintain their strategic overview of the school. There was particular focus on meetings they have held with middle leaders in school and how they are leading initiatives in reading, writing and maths.


Our Golden leaf winners this week have shown all the qualities of brilliant Short Woodies.  We have been talking a lot about kindness over the past couple of weeks, thinking about how simple small things really so mean a lot.  Our Golden Leaf children are great examples of kindess in action!


Overall School: 93.4%
