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Short Wood News - 17.5.21 - 21.5.21

What an amazing week we have had in school! We have had exciting things happening, right across school, every day!


We are delighted to have been presented with a special award from Wellington Town Council. This was in recognition of services above and beyond during the Covid-19 national lock down period. Well done wonderful Short Woodies!


Our Year 6s have spent the week on their STAR (stop, think, act, reflect) project. Each day, one of our local community support officers from West Mercia police has been in school, working with the children to help develop their understanding of what it means to be a responsible citizen.


We have been awarded our 2nd Green flag for our dedication and commitment to environmental learning. This is a really fantastic achievement and a recognition of all of the amazing learning our Short Woodies undertake! 


Thursday was our special Eid lunch! Everyone enjoyed a delicious feast and looked so colourful in their party clothes!  


Every year our school enters the Wellington poetry competition. This year we have had 4 winners! And on Friday afternoon, the Mayor of Wellington awarded prizes to our lucky winners.

Well done to Aleem and Alice in Year 4, and Warisha and Emre in Year 5 - we hope you enjoy spending your £30 prize money! 

All of the winning entries will be displayed in Wellington Library. Why not pop along and have a look! 


Overall School: 93.4%
