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School Closure

It is with a great deal of sadness that we have closed the school today to most of our pupils in order to follow the Government guidance.  We will be opening to a small number of pupils on Monday to enable those people classified as 'Key Workers' to continue in their crucial roles.  When deciding if you need to send your child into school please consider the latest advice that the best place for your children to be is at home, if you do have an alternative to sending them to school the please use it.  The latest advice is to reduce social contacts to a minimum.  We are grateful to the commitment that has been shown by our staff to ensuring we had sufficient cover in place to create a safe, nurturing environment for the pupils who do need to attend.  We are working hard to support our staff and their families at this challenging time.


In order to support pupils at home we have put a range of activities on our website.  Each year group has added age related fun things for you to do at home.  We do recommend that you try to keep a routine to your day and we have discussed this with your children this week.    Our staff will be adding to these activities in the weeks to come.


Staff are also choosing favourite stories to read aloud to add to the 'Read all about it' page so you can listen to a variety of stories too. 


In school we do 'Calm Brain' three times a day - the team at Calm Brain have arranged for parents to be able to access this resource during these extraordinary times.- we will email details out about how to access this next week.


Golden leaf celebrations for the Golden Leaf winners was a little different today as they were presented in classes.  We are really proud of all of our winners as always.


Finally, in a week that has been so unpredictable we want to pay tribute to our Short Wood community.  The pupils have shown real strength of character and resilience, likewise our staff have shown their true colours supporting pupils and each other in an amazing way, it is humbling to be part of such an incredible team. At what is a challenging time we have also seen some really kind supportive acts of sharing on the playground. Thank you.  Please keep following the latest advice, this is changing rapidly.  We ALL have a responsibility to fight this pandemic and we can all play our part in slowing the spread of the virus.  Stay safe and look after each other.


Overall School: 94.5%
