Promote well being / Community / Success & Ambition - ‘Aiming high, growing dreams’ Home Page

Preparing for September 2nd Opening

We do hope everyone has had chance to enjoy the summer holidays.  We know things have been so different this year, we appreciate there have been challenges to overcome but we hope plenty of fun has been on the agenda too.


Our team at Short Wood have been working to ensure the school is ready to welcome our pupils back on Wednesday 2nd September.  All of our families have been sent a letter about the return to school.  A copy of this letter can be found on the 'Wider reopening of school' section under the Parents menu.  

Below are some key points to remember:

  • Do not send your child to school if they or any members of your household have symptoms - you must follow Government advise to self-isolate and get a test. Where positive tests occur we must all engage with the Track and Trace teams to look after each other.
  • Children will be expected to maintain robust hand hygiene throughout the day.
  • Pick up and Drop off times have been extended.  In the morning you can drop off between 8.45am and 9.15am.  At the end of the day you can collect from 2.45pm to 3.15pm.
  • There will be a clear one-way system around the school site.  Please only send one adult per family to drop off and collect to reduce the number of people on site.
  • Please arrive within the allocated times to avoid congregating at the gates. Once on site we are asking that you keep walking and do not meet in groups - children will meet you at external doors or at an allocated spot on the playground.
  • All children  will need to be dropped off and collected by an adult to ensure we maintain social distancing measures where possible
  • Please park considerately around the school site and surrounding areas, walk where possible - the zone outside the Nursery building is for dropping off only you cannot leave your car or wait there.


We will be reviewing our processes and procedures on an ongoing basis.  If you have any feedback or questions please contact the school office by phone or email and a member of our team will respond. 


While face to face meetings and chats have to be limited at the moment you can contact your child's class teacher via Class Dojo, these messages are checked regularly. Our Leadership team and Inclusion team can also be contacted through the school office, please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any support at all.


We are looking forward to welcoming our new Short Woodies into school, this is such an exciting time but also can come with some worries - please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions, worries or thoughts, we will be happy to talk you through anything that is not clear, don't let anything seem too small or not important as we really want to work with you to give your child the best possible start and we know you are the ones who know your children best.


Enjoy the rest of your time off we look forward to welcoming you back next week.


Overall School: 94.6%
