We have had a full week of events at school this week. The whole school took part in the national 2 minutes silence on Monday to mark Armstice Day. The children were really respectful and reflective during our whole school assembly.
Class 7 delivered an excellent assembly this week
It has been National Anti-Bullying Week this week, the Anti-Bullying Alliance are running a campaign called 'Change starts with us'. The school council took a lead across school to deliver assemblies to highlight the need to speak up and to share ideas about the best ways to tackle bullying behaviour. It felt like a proactive response to an issue that needs to be challenged. The children were all very clear about how they can help themselves and each other by talking. The weblinks below provide more information about the national campaign and valuable advice for parent and carers - particularly around cyber bullying, this is a particular concern for us at school as children have an increasing access to online games and social media. We have emphasised to children that online the same rules about how you treat others and encouraged them to talk to adults about their online activity:
Speaking out was the theme for the NSPCC assemblies on Tuesday too. As part of our Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum the NSPCC volunteers talked to the children about their mascot 'Buddy' who is spreading the message that children have the right to be heard and not to be harmed and that they need to speak out. Years 5 and 6 will having follow up workshops next week. If you would like further information or resources to talk to your child about at home please follow the link below:
Today was a sea of spots, stripes and Pudseys across school as Short Woodies supported Children In Need. This was a light hearted way of supporting such a valuable charity. IT has given us another opportunity to talk about our community and the power of working together to make positive things happen. Seeing our young people show how much they care is really empowering.
The qualities of a Short Woody have been celebrated this week in our Golden Leaf awards. These are shining examples of whom we are really proud.
Many thanks for your support this week with poppies, odd socks, spots and stripes! This is a busy term, if you have any questions or queries please do speak to your child's class teacher or call into the office.
Overall School: 94.6%