Following the announcement of the latest national lockdown Short Wood will open from Tuesday January 5th 2021 for children of Critical Workers, Vulnerable children and Nursery children until further notice.
If you require a place in school during this time please email the Short Wood team at
If you have requested a place please drop your child off at their usual class today between 8.45am and 9.15am, with the exception of Nest children - ALL nursery children need to be dropped off at the Nursery in main school.
Due to the late announcement we will be using Tuesday 5th January to plan our response and we will then contact families later in the day to inform them of plans. We will of course be providing resources to support remote learning. Please bear with us while we sort things out - if you have any questions or concerns please contact us via the office email address above. Or, Class Teachers can be contacted via Dojo.
This is a challenging period but we know our Short Woodies have great resilience and know there are brighter times ahead. Please take care of each other and most of all be kind.
Overall School: 93.7%