Year 6 started their week with a visit to Keele University. They experienced a lecture and spent time in the observatory. In the star dome you could lie back and star at the stars - magical moments This visit has really brought the topic, Space - Is anybody out there? to life. Stimulating their imaginative ideas and generating questions to investigate.
A meeting of the full governing body took place this week. We are currently seeking a new parent governor. The Governors meet formally twice a term and in between times work with the school team to support the strategic vision of the school. If you are interested in volunteering to take up this role please contact the school office.
You may have seen that Aldi have launched a promotion 'Kit for schools'. When you spend £30 in store you can collect a Team GB sticker, you just need to send in or drop off your stickers at school to help us complete the poster. We then have to send a the completed poster back to be in with a chance to win £20,000.
Our girls football team played their first match against Apley Wood this week, Apley won 1-0 in a really good match. despite the result Coach B was really proud of the team performance, and so early in the school year.
Next week is parents evening, you should have been able to book appointments online - there are still some appointments available so if you haven't got your slot please book a time.
Congratulations to our Golden leaf winners again this week, we are really proud of their attitude to learning and positive approach to school.
Overall School: 94.6%