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In harmony.

This week we have had the pleasure of singing workshops delivered by Jack from The Schools Arts Trust.  Later in the term there is going to be a Big Sing event at Oakengates theatre where local schools within the trust are coming together to sing as a mass choir.  Tickets will be available for anyone who would like to attend the event, we will be sending out details later in the term.  The staff also had an additional training session to develop their confidence and skills in teaching singing as part of our ongoing commitment to using 'The Arts' across school as a positive learning tool. There was a real feel good factor about the workshops from pupils and teachers a like. Take a look at our Brightening Minds page to hear the teachers singing in beautiful harmony:


One of our Year 5 girls is excitedly awaiting the delivery of her signed copy of 'Treason' - Berlie Doherty's new book.  Alexandra was so inspired by the work they have done in school about 'Street Child', she wrote to Berlie Doherty.  The author then took the time to contact us at school to check Alexandra was one of our pupils and has now published the letter on her website :


Carrying on the reading theme, Harry Potter day was celebrated after school in the library this week.  Junaid (Y6) and Martha (Y5) read brilliantly to a captivated audience, thank you to them both and to Mrs Link who works hard plan a great range of events in the library.


There was a good turnout for the Key Stage 1 parents workshop this week.  As part of the Rags and Riches topic the workshop run by Miss Coleman was aimed at allowing parents to explore how to create hand puppets, before they come in next week to support their children in bringing their own designs to life. All parents and carers in years 1 and 2 are invited to join their children as part of the workshop next week - we do provide child care for younger children if required during the workshops,  to ensure you have a quality session with your child in class.  If you need this please speak to you child's class teacher.


The school council have met this week to discuss the ideas for playground games.  They have also reviewed their role this year in reinstating the play leaders and providing positive prompts for pupils around school.  The council have also been asked to talk to their classes about what they would like to focus on next.


Our dodgeball team played really well on Monday afternoon, having finished in the last six they will now go on to play in the finals later in the year.


On a safety note if you are using the car parks to collect children from after school clubs or drop off for breakfast club please take extra care to look out for children and parents walking through the car park.  There was a near miss this week as someone reversed out of a space at an inappropriate speed.  It is everyone's responsibility to ensure the safety of everyone on our site. 


PTA bingo is happening tonight - thank you to the team who have organised this event. Everyone is looking forward to a fun family evening.


Well done to our Golden Leaf children this week - you are great ambassadors for our school and we are very proud of you.  Have a great weekend, remember next week is the last one of this half term. 




Overall School: 93.4%
