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Happy New Year

Welcome back to a New Year and a new term.  We have been delighted to welcome everyone back this week.  Having said some goodbyes last term we have said some hellos to new members of the team this week.  Mrs Kennedy has taken over the role of Key Stage 1 leader.  Mrs Tymon has joined the Early Years teaching team and Miss Wheat is teaching in Class 10 and Class 13.  Also, we have welcomed Mrs Bryce and Mrs Hayward to our team of support staff.  We know they will be made very welcome.


We have been talking to the children about the work of our Eco Committee this week and considering the impact of single use water bottles.  We have decided to make a pledge that we will not use single use bottles in school.  We have ordered new water bottles for all pupils, but they can bring in their own multi use bottle if they wish to do so.  We hope the new bottles will be with us shortly.


Just a couple of reminders as the new year begins.  Please find time to read with your children at home and note it down in their reading diaries.  We know this makes such a difference to the progress they make with their learning.  Children will continue to bring home maths facts and spellings or sounds as they did last term. Regular practise makes a huge impact.  Please check your child knows the days they swim / have PE to ensure they have their kits in school. 


If you need to make appointments for your children please try and do this out of school hours whenever possible.  If it needs to be within the school day we appreciate you letting their teachers know or calling the office.


Parking at the beginning and the end of the day has been challenging this week.  If you can walk to school please do.  Not only does this help reduce the traffic congestion and pollution it is also a great time to chat to your children about their day and of course supports their health and well being by getting them active.  If you do need to drive please be patient and allow plenty of time for your journey.  Please also be courteous to other drivers and pedestrians.  Our priority is to ensure everyone's safety.  We will continue to work with agencies to try and ease the traffic pressures but we need you all to take responsibility for the safety of everyone outside school.


You will be receiving notification of parents evenings and curriculum meetings for this term shortly.  The feedback from the parents evening last term was really positive so we are holding them earlier in the term again so that we can discuss the best ways in which we can work together to support our Short Woodies to be the best they can be.  We look forward to seeing you.


Congratulations to our Golden Leaf winners this week - they have had a great start to the new term and were glowing in assembly today.


Overall School: 93.7%
