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Happy half term!

Wow - what a hectic half term.  Pupils and staff are all ready for a well earned rest next week.


The Year 6 pupils at Arthog have had a great time this week, they have experienced hill walking, gorge walking, raft building and much more.  As well as that they have learnt how to be a little more independent and have had to take responsibility for themselves and others.  Thank you to the staff team who have given up their family time this week to accompany the group and to the instructors and team at Arthog North Wales for their support and guidance throughout the week. Take a look at the Sport page (this is under the Children's tab) on the website for a daily diary of the activities the children have taken part in.


Key Stage 1 have been preparing for their show this week, they have been reading the Katie Morag stories all term and are celebrating with a show afternoon. Next term they will be preparing a concert as their Christmas performance. 


We had a visit from CSO Lynn Harris this week to talk to the children in assembly. She joined Mrs Harris in talking about how to stay safe at Halloween.  These can be exciting, fun, magical times for many but we have talked to the children about ensuring they think about vulnerable members of our community who may not want people in costumes knocking on their doors.  We are also encouraging children only to visit homes of family and friends NOT strangers, and to be sure a responsible adult is with them and checking anything they may be given before eating it.  We want all of our Short Woodies to have fun, but to do it in a safe and thoughtful way.



PTA discos were well attended this week, there were some ghoulish costumes and make up.  We are really grateful to the volunteers of the PTA for arranging and running the event, without them we couldn't offer these fun activities.  The PTA held their AGM earlier this week, they have some great ideas about raising funds to purchase equipment for the playground.  The school council will be working with the PTA volunteers to choose what the children would like.


Well done to the Golden Leaf winners this week - they are pictured below, we are really proud of their achievements.


Next week is half term, we wish you a happy holiday.  Please encourage your children to  read a favourite book and perhaps logon to Sumdog if they get chance, but most of all take time to have fun and enjoy time together with family and friends.


Overall School: 94.6%
