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Happy end of term

This term has certainly presented its challenges, but in amongst those there have been many triumphs too.


The staff right across school have worked tirelessly this term to make Short Wood a safe and stimulating place to be.  We are grateful for the positive comments we have received as the level of work and commitment involved cannot be underestimated.  Our risk assessments have been implemented effectively and our procedures have worked well.  We have been in regular contact with the local health hub who have supported us really well.  Of course we have had to learn and adapt as we have gone along, our team has shown amazing resilience to make the term a success.


Pupils have been equally as amazing and have responded so positively to all the changes we have had to make.  They have listened, understood and followed the rules around the bubbles, they have not complained about not being able to play with their friends in other classes and they have shown hard working attitudes towards their learning. We are really proud of them all.


The curriculum has had to be adapted, while we have been unable to provide some of the usual experiences to stimulate and inspire learning our creative minds have found ways to respond and adapt. A visit from Mo, from Animals in Hands, for one year group was so successful we invited him back to enable all of our pupils to get such a positive experience.  The impact on the children's emotional health and well being as well as their learning was a joy to see.


The Arthog team have also been working with us this term.  They completed robust risk assessments to ensure we could work with the team safely.  This has resulted in walks to the woods, a trip up the Wrekin and climbing on the climbing wall.  We have had amazing feedback from the children following these experiences and the outcomes of the follow up work back in class shows how important it is that we find these safe ways of working.


In school we have strived to deliver a broad curriculum, there has been a range of outdoor experiences, DT fun making vehicles, PE sessions with and without Coach, daily miles, dance and drama supported by Mari from The Schools Arts Trust and an online Theatre experience.


Across school we have delivered the new online assemblies from the NSPCC to remind us all of the key messages about how to keep safe.  The assemblies are designed at an age related level to engage and inform children. Staff have also engaged in training from the NSPCC around online safety to ensure we are doing all we can to safeguard our pupils.  Knowing who children are talking to online has never been more important - if you would like further information the NSPCC website has a range of useful resources,  particularly about setting parental controls to monitor online activity. The link below has some useful information:

Remote learning has been a feature for a number of our class bubbles this term too.  From the feedback parents gave us in the questionnaire, sent out earlier in the term, we have developed the remote learning approach.  We have invested in work books to be sent out to classes if they are having to isolate at home, we are also sending additional activities to support the wider curriculum. These are then supported by daily videos using class dojo.  Videos of the daily learning are posted by 10am each day, then pupils can post their work back on Dojo so teachers can respond to individuals.  This week Miss Taylor has been particularly impressed by some of the independent history work that has been submitted.


As we head into the final week of term we are looking forward to lots of fun activities.  Christmas lunch will be served across school next Wednesday, we are also looking forward to parties that day.  Everyone is invited to come to school in their party clothes on Wednesday.  The last day at school will be Friday 18th December.


We would like to wish everyone a safe, peaceful and happy holiday period.  For those celebrating, Merry Christmas, it may feel different this year but we know we need to keep looking after each other, Short Woodies are experts at that! Take good care of yourselves and each other.


Overall School: 94.6%
