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Happy Easter

As we head towards our Easter break, we want to thank all of our Short Woodies for their hard work this term.  We are really grateful for the support families have given to school too.


As a result of all this endeavour we have had some fabulous events this week celebrating the achievements. 


Pupils from Year 2 took part in 'The Big Sing' at Oakengates Theatre on Wednesday evening, they sang in a choir with children from other schools to a sold out audience.  We are really pleased to be part of The Schools Arts Trust who organised the event and are looking forward to our Year 5 pupils having a similar opportunity after the holiday.


Year 5 have also been celebrating VE Day as part of their 'In the shadow of the Wrekin' topic.  Their evacuation experience to Attingham really supported their ability to empathise with how children at that time may have been feeling.  Next term they come right up to date to explore the community in which they live today and discover the stories of how different families have arrived in Wellington.


Years 3 and 4 have been exhibiting their work this week at their Art Gallery events.  The pupils were delighted to host family and friends to show off their talents, from sketching and painting to drama, dance and music.  The pride shown was a pleasure to witness, the children really enjoyed their sense of success - this is a feeling that we want our pupils to take with them through life. 


Today has seen the culmination of the Key Stage 1 topic Rags and Riches with their banquet celebration.  The children loved their visit Chirk Castle earlier in the term and have been excited about celebrating today.


Our Early Years pupils have been welcoming the latest arrivals on site at Short Wood.  We have Coot chicks on the lake - video of the Coots can be seen by clicking on the link in the article below.  We are so lucky to have an amazing site with such valuable learning opportunities.


Congratulations to our Year 5/6 Football B team, they beat Hollinswood Primary this week 8-3.  Coach was especially impressed by the team work displayed and the way in which they represented Short Wood. 


Below are our final Golden Leaf winners for this term - as always it is a pleasure to celebrate and share their achievements.  We would like to wish Miss Watkiss the very best of luck today as she is leaving to have her baby, we look forwarding to seeing pictures very soon, Mrs Kennedy will be taking over in Class 12 for next term.


Finally we would like to wish you a happy Easter break, we will see some of our pupils during the second week of the holidays for planned booster sessions, we will look forward to welcoming everybody else back in school on Monday 29th April.


Overall School: 94.6%
