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Happy Christmas

This has been such an exciting week.  


We started the week with whole school visits to Christ Church.  It was a pleasure to experience these visits with the children as we learnt about how Christians celebrate Christmas. We had a warm welcome from the team at Christ Church, for which we are really thankful.


We have finally managed to perform our Key Stage 1 performances at Sunnycroft this week.  We had to postpone on Monday due to the weather but thankfully as the milder weather came in we have been able to perform.  The children had very limited rehearsal time but, nevertheless, they were determined to do everyone proud.  Thank you to everyone who came to watch too, we really appreciate your support as always and understanding about last minute changes.


Year 5 pupils did their final performance supporting the community members visiting Santa at Sunnycroft this week.  Despite some really chilly evenings our committed team have done several evenings singing and performing poems to spread some positivity and joy. They have received special musical badges in Golden Leaf today.


Christmas lunch was a highlight on Wednesday and the sound of fun and laughter echoed across the corridors on Thursday afternoon as the classes had their parties, with a special message and gift from Santa himself!


The chocolate tombola has raised over £600 this term.  Thank you to everyone who contributed, this will go into school fund to support the school trips coming up that are crucial to our creative curriculum.


During the final Golden Leaf assembly of the term we have congratulated Mr Hill-Shaw and his wife on the safe arrival of his second daughter.  We have also wished Mrs Loakes well as she starts her maternity leave, we look forward to hearing her baby news in the new year.  On a sad note for us, we have said goodbye to Mr Peckham today.  He will start his new job with the local authority in January and of course we wish him well, although we will miss him.  


Finally, we would like to wish you a happy, peaceful Christmas and New Year.  Please take care of yourselves and each other over the holiday period, find time to relax and build some cherished memories. Having time together and caring about each other is the best gift any of us can share.


Overall School: 93.4%
