Excitement is growing as the preparations for our production of The Lion King are well under way. Everyone working with the children are really impressed with how hard the children are working on learning their lines and the words to the songs. We have some amazing acting and singing talent, the show is going to be brilliant. Everyone is having so much fun putting it together. Letters will be sent home next week with details of how to buy tickets. We are selling tickets this year to help us cover the costs of the license for the performance. Thank you to everyone who is supporting us to make this a great event, especially those helping us with costumes and ensuring children can attend the after school rehearsals and performances, so much hard work has already gone into the performances, the children are truly shining.
On Monday this week we had a film crew in school capturing the work we have done using Calm Brain. We were recently nominated for, and won, an Energize award for whole school improvement and we were the county winners. This means we have now been put forward to the West Midlands region. Using Calm Brain has such a positive impact on the children and staff in supporting their emotional health and well being, we have even had reports from previous Short Woodies that they have used it during their exams this year.
Early Years had a visit from Martha's dad this week who came in his ambulance to explain all about his job and to allow the children to look around the ambulance. It was very exciting and he children have been keen to share their learning.
As a school we are introducing ParentPay from September, this is a secure website that will allow all payments to be made online or anywhere you see the PayPoint logo. Many schools are using this system and we hope it makes payments more efficient. There will be drop in session next Wednesday (26th June) for anyone who would like some support in signing up.
The school had a visit from Michelle Parker this week, from the local authority. Mrs Parker visits us twice a year, this was a really positive visit. She enjoys being able to see the learning experiences at Short Wood and is always full of praise for our Short Woodies, they were keen to share their learning and made our tour around school delightful.
At the swimming gala on Monday evening we were in 8th place. Thank you to everyone who supported this event. Next week we have children competing in a rounders tournament and a dodgeball competition.
Congratulations as always to our Golden Leaf winners this week, we are delighted with you and your efforts.
Overall School: 94.6%