Promote well being / Community / Success & Ambition - ‘Aiming high, growing dreams’ Home Page

Exceeding expectations

This week has been another busy one in school.  As it has been Anti Bullying week nationally, we have been considering the theme of 'one kind word'.  Pupils across school have discussed and reflected on how their words can affect others and how being kind can make them feel better too.  We have thought about how important it is to be kind to ourselves - whether that is thinking kind things or choosing to do things that make us feel good.


Today we have been a sea of spots and stripes to spread a little kindness beyond Short Wood.  We have had over £470 in donations for Children in Need.  Thank you so much for all of your contributions.  If you haven't already donated and would like to please go onto Parentpay.


We were proud to showcase our curriculum offer to a visitor from Telford and Wrekin's Education and Skills team this week.  She saw Forest School and outdoor learning in action and enjoyed talking to our children about their learning.  She was blown away by the quality of the art work on wolves completed by our Year 6s as part of their community and belonging topic.  


Mrs Butele and Mr Saunders had the pleasure of taking 2 of our Year 6 pupils to Wickes this week to collect £100 worth of resources the store have kindly donated towards their DT project.  Elliot and Emily were total superstars and brilliant ambassadors for the school. They explored the materials and tools, used their maths skills to work out the best value products and generally impressed everyone they met.


Our football team have had success this week, they are now heading towards the semi finals of the Telford and Wrekin Cup,  having beat St Matthews, Donnington 2-0. We are so proud of their efforts.


We are still maintaining our Covid risk assessments as we are continuing to have positive cases in our school community.  The one way system remains in place.  Please do not send your child to school if they are displaying any symptoms, they need to get a PCR test.  Once they have a negative PCR result, and are well, they can return.  Without the PCR test, anyone with symptoms need to isolate for 10 days.  If your child is isolating, but are well, we will of course support you with home learning.  Thank you for your on-going understanding.


Enjoy your weekend, we look forward to seeing everyone next week.




Overall School: 94.6%
