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Engineering success

This week Year 5 took part in another exciting STEM workshop. Their challenge was to work as a team of engineers in the 1940’s to design an aircraft (glider) to get rationed supplies to people who are stranded in war-torn areas. The children had limited resources – just corrugated card, foam or polystyrene and no sticking materials.

The children first designed their glider and then decided on the material they would use. It was important that their measurements were accurate.  At the end of the day, children got to fly their glider and were judged on

  1. Distance flown

  2. Creativity - Design of aircraft - fitting with the theme

  3. Landing at drop off points

  4. Engineering skills.

The engagement and excitement the children (and staff) showed was a delight, such a rich learning experience.


Year 3 and 4 have been visiting the Art Gallery in Wolverhampton this week.  They have experienced a range of different art forms, explored their ideas and had a go at art work themselves. Their 'Every picture tells a story' topic will build on this visit in the coming weeks.


Key Stage 1 pupils turned detectives around school this week to try and find the princess to fit the magic slipper which was found after Prince Charming paid them a visit. 


Early years are being engineers at the moment, their imaginations have been sparked by having chance to take apart old cassette players and radios amongst other things.  The pupils are particularly interested in how things move and 'flow' - the flow of water, electricity and wind power.  Take a look at Mrs Doult's blog in the children's menu for images for the work happening in Early Years.


Our new Play leader team met this week for the first time.  We are reintroducing this scheme following discussions with our school council. This team is being led by one of our Year 6 pupils Ethan Davies, he will be co-ordinating the timetable and supporting the team as he has been doing the role brilliantly for some time. Following letters of application pupils have been selected to provide the Key Stage 1 pupils with positive role models and new friends to play with.


A concern that has arisen this week is the level of engagement our pupils are having with online gaming.  The game called Fortnite is a particular concern.  We have had a number of discussions with concerned parents over the manner in which pupils are talking to each other as part of the 'game'.  Players are able to create 'parties' and other players can join in.  We have discovered that many pupils are playing in 'open parties' which means anyone can join them, clearly leaving them vulnerable online.  The violent nature of the games some pupils are playing is also impacting on the behaviour parents are seeing at home and we are seeing at school.  The age rating for the game is 12 years but we are aware that many of our pupils play.  We would urge you to ensure that if you allow your child to play online that you fully understand who they are playing with, the content of the games and that you can hear what is being said by your child.  Many of the conversations we hear about are inappropriate and are not the kinds of things the children would say in a face to face environment. As a consequence of conversations that are being had at home during their online gaming, we are seeing incidents in school.  We want to work in partnership with parents to ensure pupils are fully equipped for the online world to reap the benefits but also mange the risks.  We are discussing ways to do this and any thoughts or suggestions around how we as a school can support or provide information would be gratefully received.  Please contact us via the school office. Advice can be found on the following website:



Thank you to everyone who attended Parents Evening this week, we had a high turnout and plenty of positive and constructive feedback. If you haven't managed to get to see your child's teacher you can still make an appointment by catching the teacher after school or contacting the school office.  Teachers will be happy to book a mutually convenient time to discuss your child's progress.


Congratulations to out Golden leaf winners this week, they are great examples of everything that is great about being a Short Woody.  We are also really proud of the children who took part in a recent orienteering challenge and our Year 5/6 football team who have progressed to a semi final match with John Fletcher Primary later this term. 


Have a great weekend -stay warm.



Overall School: 94.6%
