It has been lovely to welcome everyone back for the final half term of the year (where did that year go?) We want to wish everyone celebrating Eid Mubarak, even if it is a little belated. We look forward to holding our annual Eid lunch next Thursday where the children are all invited to wear their new clothes or party wear to share in this lovely occasion.
While the children have enjoyed an extended half term the teachers have been working on the latest curriculum developments during the PD days. We have been exploring ideas and developing skills related to STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. This involved teachers creating and testing their own vehicles. History was another area of the curriculum we have focused on. We have been looking at how we can develop our topic themes and staff have had some fabulous ideas as to how we can present the learning for our pupils in innovative and engaging ways.
Yesterday we had a visit from Luke Temple, an author who has visited us before. The children always enjoy his presentations and this visit was no exception. This afternoon he has been in school signing books for children who have purchased them.
We have sent details of how to register for Parent Pay in preparation for September. This is a way many schools use now for making payments, it is convenient and easy to use. Please get yourself signed up as soon as possible. If you have any queries please contact our office staff who will be happy to help. Please remember payments will not be able to be made via Parent Pay until September.
In response to requests from parents we have extended our breakfast club provision. We are currently trialling opening at 7.30am to support parents. If you are interested in taking up this new offer please speak to the office staff.
We have a busy term ahead with lots of trips and visits, sports days and a family event at the end of term, dates will follow shortly.
Congratulations to our golden leaf winners this week you are all brilliant and we know you will continue to shine this term.
Overall School: 93.7%