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Eid Mubarak

We want to wish Eid Mubarak to all of our families and community members celebrating Eid this weekend.  It will be a very different feeling to the celebrations at this time but I am sure you are finding ways of connecting with family and friends while celebrating in your own homes safely.


We made the decision at the end of last week to delay extending the opening of Short Wood from June 1st. We will remain open over half term for key worker children as a holiday club provision and we will be open for those and other identified children after the half term break.  We will be reviewing the situation on an ongoing basis and considering all of the information and guidance available to us.  Our staff have worked hard to prepare classroom spaces to support social distancing and are planning a curriculum that supports the ongoing emotional health and well being of our pupils as well as their academic outcomes. The delay to opening will enable us to complete the thorough risk assessment we are undertaking and ensure all of identified issues can be addressed to make the return to school as safe as possible for pupils, staff and the wider community. 


We understand the delay to reopening may present some challenges and are grateful for the ongoing support and understanding of our families and community.  Everyone is making difficult decisions that are going to be unique to each family's circumstances, we are happy to discuss our plans and the changes we will be implementing, we will provide additional information about these in due course, but please be reassured that we respect the decisions that each family is making at this time.  Working together is how we will move through these challenging times, while many aspects are difficult we hope to harness some of the opportunities too.


We will not be using Dojo or the website to send learning home this week, we want you all to enjoy the sunshine and a well earned break, while following the current lockdown rules.   Following half term we will return to updating our online learning ideas as well as creating new learning packs to be sent home. 


Stay safe in the coming days, be kind to yourselves and take care of each other.  We look forward to seeing you very soon.


Overall School: 93.7%
