In what are challenging times we are striving to maintain some sense of normality for our pupils, staff and community. However inevitably there will be some things that have to change. We will endeavour to keep you up to date with what is a fast moving situation. Anything that we consider to be non essential group contact will be cancelled.
As of today we have postponed our Toddlers Group on a Tuesday morning and the Shining Stars group on Fridays.
We have been informed by our Sports Partnership team that all competitions are cancelled until further notice.
We will not be running the DT workshops and Family Learning sessions.
We will continue our Breakfast club and After School Club provision currently.
We have consulted the Swim England guidance and the current advice is that so long as children shower before and after they swim then swimming can continue, we will continue to offer this provision at the moment.
Please ensure you are up to date with the changing advice from the Government. Currently as of today (17/3/20) the advice is if anyone in the household has flu like symptoms, a high temperature, or a new and persistent cough then everyone in the household needs to isolate for 14 days - see the government website for up to date advice:
At times like these we need to be mindful of the physical symptoms but also the impact on the emotional health and well being of everyone. So, in true Short Woody style we are talking to the children about following the rules but also being sure we are all going the extra mile to be kind to ourselves and each other, we would encourage everyone in our community (and beyond) to do the same. Many thanks for your ongoing support.
Overall School: 93.7%