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Christmas magic...

Wow! That has been the response to many of our performances this week.  We have been treated to such a variety of Christmas inspired performances and the children have truly shone.  The week began with Reception, two out of the three classes beat the weather and had their Christmas around the campfire, and when the weather was really too wet and windy the other class showed great resilience in adapting their performance for the hall.  Whatever the weather the opportunity to share hot chocolate and biscuits with family and friends afterwards was enjoyed and the smiles were heart warming, thank you for the positive messages we have received about how precious these performances were.  Impressive plays from Year 1 and 2 pupils came next, they were brilliant at remembering their lines and their cues to come on and off stage for their moment in the limelight, and sang many songs to make us smile.  Again performing for their family and friends was a highlight.  Thursday began with a visit from The Farm on Wheels - a donkey, sheep, turkey and rat formed the backdrop for the Nursery children to retell the nativity story in their own words and fir them to share what Christmas means to them.  The children's singing was a particular hit with the turkey who got louder as the performance went on.   Our finale came on Thursday night when our Year 5 pupils presented a Victorian Christmas - an evening of traditional Christmas songs were performed to a packed audience, who were treated to handmade gifts too.  The pupils have really been the stars of our shows this week but none of these events would be possible without the creativity and enthusiasm of our staff.  We have also been supported by Jack and Mari from The Schools Arts Trust, we are grateful for their ongoing support.  They have all worked so hard to enable and empower the children to be the best they can be and we thank them for that.  We also want to thank everyone who have come to watch and support the children, family and friends are the most important of audiences, having the Short Wood community together at these events is such a positive experience.


Secret Santas have been  reading in the library this week, sharing some of their favourite Christmas stories.  Thank you to Sky's family who have donated a box of books to school this week we are really grateful.  Next week Mrs Link will be collecting books in and doing her end of term sort out of the library so if you have any books at home please return them.


We have also welcomed some new Short Woodies this week as part of their transition into Nursery.  They will be joining us in January but have come in to experience time in school.  It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to talk to their parents and carers and welcome them to our community.


Next week is a busy one - we have visits to Christ Church on Monday and Tuesday morning, followed by Christmas lunch on Wednesday and parties on Thursday.


Golden Leaf winners are below, they have displayed such an array of talent and Short Woody characteristics and we are very proud of them.


Have a great weekend.




Overall School: 94.6%
