This week Year 2 and Year 5/6 representatives were amazing ambassadors for our school this week at The Big Sing events. This event was organised by The Arts Centre Telford (TACT) in collaboration with Short Wood. The children and staff have worked hard to learn all the words to the songs across all of the schools, then got together to create memorable performances for the audience and participants alike.
You will have received details about how we are continuing to monitor the situation regarding the Coronavirus. We are following the guidance from Public Health England closely. All of the children are being encouraged to wash their hands regularly, using the 'Happy Birthday' song to help them wash their hands for long enough. Our site team are taking additional precautions across the day to ensure the school is as clean as possible to support the cleaning routine that is carried out daily. If you do come in to school we will ask you to wash your hands and follow the hygiene guidance our staff and pupils are following.
We were visited this week by representatives from a school in Wolverhampton to hear about Calm Brain. They observed children from Nursery to Year 6, all of whom were able to discuss how Calm Brain helps them to feel relaxed and how it supports their focus on learning.
DT workshops started this week - Key Stage 1 parents were invited in to prepare for next week when they will be working alongside their children.
Year 6 pupils visited the Knife Angel at Southwater this week along with schools across Telford. There were some powerful messages delivered in an age related manner, addressing many of the challenges our young people are facing locally. Staff were impressed with the way the children responded to the information they received and will follow up the issues in the following weeks.
Children came to school in sports kit today to raise money for Sports Relief. The staff and pupils were keen to support this worthy cause, thank you for the donations that were sent in.
The traffic on the car park is far safer with the new drop off zone in place. We are grateful for everyone co operating with the new arrangements, the safety of our pupils, staff and families is our highest priority.
Our Golden Leaf winners are all stars this week, they have all shown the qualities of a true Short Woody.
Overall School: 94.6%