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Best Year Yet

This year has been the best year yet! We have had the chance to go rock climbing in the sports hall and on a real wall, in Grinshill, it was so much fun. When we were coming down we had to pretend that we were on the toilet. It was hilarious! We also went for a walk after we had been rock climbing. We strongly believe that you would LOVE to come rock climbing, and of course we have had a rocking time reaching new heights. Of course we were part of the best rock climbing team made up of Celia, Chris, Bradon and Dave. We all went to the top of Grinshill. It felt like we were going to fall off. At the top of Grinshill, we splashed in massive muddy puddles. Some of our feet even got stuck in the mud. Dave was the best mud jumper. Our favourite part was climbing up the steep hill. We wish you could come rock climbing with the rock climbing and Arthog team. It was the best trip ever, except for the weather!

By Arzoo in Class 5


Overall School: 93.7%
